Okay I have thaught long and hard about this and would like some feed back. I have come up with an event for the town to make money. I would like everyones feedback on this one as its important and will pay for the HG map change!
Here are the rules
~ HG starts off with 500 dolls (Ice Hounds)
~I am allowed 50 dolls to spare (Reason why incase outsiders come to hunt them need extra dolls in case it happens)
~I need 10 people that are willing to pay to enter this compition.
~It will cost each person 1m in marbles ( Its not a free event ) ~ This money gets donated to the Town before or after the event ~
~How to enter the event (LoL u have to buy a doll and give it back to me hehe yes expensive and hard to get doll priced at 1m randomly through out the day)
~ This event will be 4 hours long
~ I am allowed to cap dolls with in those 4 hours, but none can be taken from market. I will truely cap them. If my HG runs out of dolls before the 4 hours is up and I can't keep the HG stocked with them U 10 people win, and win a prize (Prize unknown yet)
~ But if I win and u can't clear me out and I can stay stocked with them, then no prize given out but entry money still donated to the town.
~ I will notify people when I will be doing this maybe in a week or something.
I figured this out, the math anyways it is possible for u to clear me out of dolls quicker than me to fill the HG, u also have to remember 4leaf don't give me 2 dolls lol I wish it did for events like this. But depending I can also fill the HG good too, so all winds down to who is the fastest at killing them, and no summons can't 1 hit them